What dog breed is best for you and your family?

By: Alex Hassinger


One of the most important things in making a decision to bring a new dog into your family is picking the right breed that suits your house hold and family routine. It might not seem important, but putting in a little research can save you from a huge headache later.


Your choices range from big dogs to little dogs, active dogs to non-active dogs, and territorial to non-territorial.  Yes, it could be as detailed as that. But there are many resources at your disposal to research the right breed for you and your family. This is a great place to start some research of the breed of dog that could work for you. https://www.akc.org/dog-breed-selector/


Across the country there are many dog shows that the public can attend; many of these are called “cluster shows”. These types of shows are kennel clubs and breed clubs that show at one facility over a 3-4 day period. Here is the best part: the people showing their dogs love for their dogs to have interaction with the public. Also, it is possible to find a breed you like and a breeder that might have dogs for sale right there. What this does is give you, and your children if you have them, the chance to interact with different breeds and see which one fits.


The other things to consider are living environments.  Do you live in an apartment, or in a house, or on a farm? Certain breeds will fit different living environments and climates. You want to be fair to the dog. For example; you would not want to pick a breed that needs lots of exercise and then have it be in an apartment for 8-10 hours while you are at work, or vice versa.


If you have children, or possibly have a baby on the way it is important to introduce the little ones properly to a new dog. Maybe you get a puppy at 10 weeks, well that’s an easy introduction. But you might want to rescue a dog that already has some age, this scenario needs to be a very delicate and planned introduction.


Making sure you choose a dog breed that fits you and your home will ensure that you and your dog have a happy life together.
